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Two smiling women wearing beige hats and aprons hold up SIMPLYBe coffee cups toward the camera, with the focus on the cups and their cheerful expressions in the background

Our Story


At SimplyBe Coffee, our mission is to be more than just a coffee shop - we are #coffeewithacause! We employ individuals with disabilities in order to provide them with opportunities where they may contribute and grow their unique strengths. Here, they are valued, visible, and connected.

Their eagerness, creativity, adaptability, and positive attitudes make SimplyBe a truly remarkable place... customers will always be greeted with a warm smile!

Tree of Life Ministries and SimplyBe Coffee Logos

Our Journey

Our Beginning

SimplyBe Coffee opened its doors on December 11, 2020. Established as a Gospel Enterprise of Tree of Life Ministries to reach out to the poor and needy in our community with the love of Jesus Christ.

Our Inspiration

Tree of Life's Still Waters ministry offers social programs for individuals with special needs. Over time, it became apparent that employment opportunities for this community were in need. Hence, SimplyBe Coffee was our prayerful response.

Our Cause

SimplyBe Coffee was launched with a cause: to extend employment and internship opportunities to individuals with special needs. Every customer plays an integral part in supporting this life-changing cause.

Our Goal

We hope to share the love of Jesus Christ with everyone who walks through our doors and encourage our staff to SimplyBe themselves... wonderfully made!

We Accept Donations

Community support is vital to what we do. You can make a difference for individuals with special needs by donating torwards SimplyBe!

SimplyBe Community Support

Make a Difference with SimplyBe Today! There are a number of ways you can support SimplyBe in addition to your financial gift. Click Learn More to read about how the community is getting involved!

Simply be Employees are creating CHANGE

Meet Our Team

Every cup of coffee served, every smile shared, and every interaction at SimplyBe is made possible by our dedicated team. Our employees are more than just team members; they are family. Their dedication, resilience, and passion for their work inspire us daily and remind us of the profound impact of inclusion and opportunity.

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